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Persian Star

(Asiatic Hardneck)

Korean Mountain is an Asiatic strain of hardneck garlic. It is extremely productive while growing and produces nicely shaped purple striped bulbs. The flavor is fairly spicy, impossible to ignore and yet not overwhelming like some varieties. Many describe the initial bite as very hot, though it soon mellows into a smooth aftertaste.

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Originally from Uzbekistan, Persian Star is a popular variety of hardneck garlic with a mildly spicy--but not overly hot--"kick". It is often vibrantly colored, with red-tipped cloves and streaks of purple contrasting with its white wrapper. While closely related to Chesnok Red, it is generally considered far more mild. It grows very well in cooler temperatures and generally has a large yield.

Variety: Purple Stripe Hardneck
Flavor Profile: Spicy but not hot, full 'garlicy' flavor
Region: Does well in the cold
Storage: Stores well for up to 6 months

SKU: N/A Category:

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